About the project
Nostelia is a new extra virgin olive oil from Greece which is to be sold in Germany. The task was to build the whole brand from scratch, to develop a brand strategy which includes the brand purpose, the brand vision and mission, the core values, to define the target group and do the positioning and then to create the visual identity – naming, logotype, color palette, business card, corporate stationery and last but not least the package design.
Brand Strategy Workshop Outcomes
The brand character is honest, rational, traditional but also modern. The brand core we defined for the brand is down-to earthness.

Brand Naming
The name Nostelia is composed of two words. The first word is "Nostos" and the second one is "Elia". Nostos is a theme used in Greek mythology and it means homecoming. It includes an epic hero returning home by sea, like Odysseus in the Odyssey. The second word "Elia" means olive tree in Greek.

The figurative mark is an Ancient Greek ship from Greek Mythology which was designed to carry cargo. Greek ships were powered by sails and oarsmen and they moved rapidly through the waters of the Mediterranean Sea so people could easily transport goods. Our olive oil is imported from Greece to Germany and this is why we chose the Ancient Greek ship for our logo. On the one hand it's very important in Greek Mythology and on the other hand it stands for transport.